
Survey: contract management trends for 2025

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étude enquête contract management

We put out a call in December, and in just three weeks over 200 contract managers from five different countries responded to the survey conducted in partnership with contractmanagement.fr, making this study a benchmark for understanding the major developments in the profession. This broad participation provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges that contract managers will face this year, and offers an insight into how to navigate serenely through a fast-changing ecosystem and prepare for 2025 under the best possible auspices.

Five major trends for 2025

The conclusions of the study identify five (5) trends that will have a major impact on contract management:

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI is no longer limited to basic automation; it opens the way to predictive analysis, preventive detection of anomalies and greater streamlining of processes. This technology will make it possible to secure commitments while reducing the time spent on low added-value tasks.

Talent and skills management

In an environment marked by a shortage of experienced profiles, companies are faced with the need to train, attract and retain talent. The role of the contract manager is changing, requiring an increase in skills in legal, financial, technological and relational areas. At the same time, the shortage of experienced contract managers on the market is likely to drive movement between companies!

The macroeconomic situation

2025 is taking shape against a backdrop of economic uncertainties (inflation, market volatility, changing regulations, etc.). Contract managers will have a front row seat to these uncertainties and will have to deal with a wide range of contingencies, requiring agility, resilience and creativity to adapt quickly to a constantly changing environment.


This goes beyond the simple use of collaborative tools to extend to the entire contractual chain: risk and opportunity analyses, real-time monitoring, claim management, etc. The aim: to go digital for greater efficiency, traceability and security.

The geopolitical context

Between international tensions, trade wars and regulatory changes in Europe, the United States and Asia, the calendar looks set to be full of events likely to impact on the practice of contract management. Faced with this increased risk of hazards and other factors generating change, supply chains will be reorganised, contract financing is likely to undergo changes, and new alliances are likely to be formed.

Contract managers prioritise the “people-process-technology” axis

The study also highlights the actions that contract managers intend to prioritise in 2025. These priorities revolve around the following triptych:


Let’s start with people. It is by reinforcing ongoing training in contract management, by training in related disciplines, and by emphasising the soft skills that are essential to the practice of contract management that we can achieve our goals


Next, let’s tackle the processes by formalising and standardising internal contract management processes and putting in place contract management performance indicators to encourage collaboration and cross-functionality across the project value chain.


Finally, it’s by equipping ourselves with tools and software that are truly adapted to the practice of contract management, by integrating AI into our daily work and by digitising the first stages of the contract life cycle.

With great power comes great responsibility

This is one of the phrases that concludes this study! Indeed, 2025 is set to be a year in which – as a result of the trends outlined above – contract managers will grow in stature within organisations. This period of opportunity that is opening up for contract management, splendid as it may be, also implies a responsibility to be present, to be there, to not disappoint, at the risk of seeing contract management relegated to the rank of contract administrator for good.

Download the full study

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Finally, if you wish to relay this study (including screenshots), it couldn’t be simpler: just use the following wording: “Prime Conseil and Contractmanagement.fr study carried out by online questionnaire from 15 December 2024 to 07 January 2025 among a sample of 182 people”.

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